Babak Khorram-Din
22 Bahman is YOUR revolution festival day --no matter how it turns out! It is the day you step forward together, to take back your country. Many of you may die, and many others beaten, arrested, imprisoned, tortured, tried before courts of mockery, and forced to make false "confessions." The people know all of this, but they also know it is your day of honor, and they will stand with you in pride for your courage and determination. Indeed, freedom-loving people across the world are holding you close to their hearts. The bonfires of freedom you have ignited will burst forth upon the land once more, upon the land that is yours; once more, you must engage the battle. May the spirit of Babak Khorram-Din the warrior embolden your hearts, strengthen your hands, and steel your wills to bravery. Once more, engage the battle!
Every single individual warrior must engage this day, and every band of warriors the same. The very critical issue is that the battle be engaged in your own way --burning with fire in each heart. Try not to be concerned that the diversity of how others enter the struggle is unlike yours. Your great strength in this battle IS that diversity, held together by one cry for "Freedom!" Some may march, while others mind the makeshift medical clinics, while others glue posters to walls, at the same time still others paint slogans. I know of one strike force, a band of students, who have decided it is too dangerous to protest at the university anymore, so they have formed themselves into a group to prepare them to enter politics. These are worthy warriors as much as any others! It is, I think, now impossible that everyone will struggle in a non-violent way, because some are already prepared to fight back in self-defense. These are your brothers and sisters as well; many of their bodies will be broken too, and they deserve respect, even if you don't agree with their tactics.
This is also a time for alliances, hastily but sincerely assembled as quickly as possible. Perhaps your strike force could contact a specific union, to encourage their participation, and to let them know the new Iran will not leave them behind, as has been done in the past. I am also aware of some military personnel who "want" to join with the people, but are afraid of being executed by a new regime because of being part of the current one (that did happen after 1979). Let it be known publicly that this will not happen, that anyone siding with the people is forgiven any past. Multiple postings on Twitter can help with this. Here are some examples ..."New Iran: Be it resolved, the death penalty for any crime is hereby abolished forever, and may not be reinstated for any reason." "New Iran: Be it resolved, ethnic regions will form self-governing autonomous provinces, and have a seat in national government." "New Iran: Be it resolved, any official or member of the military siding with the people, are hereby exonerated from any wrongdoing under IRI, and are forgiven." One of the most difficult elements to allow this forgiveness for is basij. But they number over a million, so will we be even worse than this current regime or the Shah, killing them all? They must be incorporated into national reconciliation, and given the opportunity to be healed from their terrible deeds by forgiveness. Please.
The above Twitter technique could also be used to help form the beginnings of a constitutional congress, or at least field ideas to be considered by one. The same format as above could be used, but adding the words, "If Agree RT." It then becomes a method of voting, and participation in what is being formed. Yes, of course there will be people who don't like a given idea ...but their views deserve to be heard too. Maybe your strike force could take on the responsibility of the campaign on line. Multiple strike forces taking on similar activities begin to move towards a real committee/congress and helps towards a synthesis. "New Iran: Be it resolved, everyone is free to believe whatever religion they wish. If Agree RT." "New Iran: Be it resolved, women and men are treated equally under the law. If Agree RT."
WARNING: Nothing of your activities online should be saved to your hard drive. Save only to an external, portable memory. The same should be done for any resistance art, brochures, or personal letters.
Thank you for allowing me to participate with you in your struggle for democracy as you define it. I will keep watch with you November 11. In the mean time ...
***more to come***
Every single individual warrior must engage this day, and every band of warriors the same. The very critical issue is that the battle be engaged in your own way --burning with fire in each heart. Try not to be concerned that the diversity of how others enter the struggle is unlike yours. Your great strength in this battle IS that diversity, held together by one cry for "Freedom!" Some may march, while others mind the makeshift medical clinics, while others glue posters to walls, at the same time still others paint slogans. I know of one strike force, a band of students, who have decided it is too dangerous to protest at the university anymore, so they have formed themselves into a group to prepare them to enter politics. These are worthy warriors as much as any others! It is, I think, now impossible that everyone will struggle in a non-violent way, because some are already prepared to fight back in self-defense. These are your brothers and sisters as well; many of their bodies will be broken too, and they deserve respect, even if you don't agree with their tactics.
This is also a time for alliances, hastily but sincerely assembled as quickly as possible. Perhaps your strike force could contact a specific union, to encourage their participation, and to let them know the new Iran will not leave them behind, as has been done in the past. I am also aware of some military personnel who "want" to join with the people, but are afraid of being executed by a new regime because of being part of the current one (that did happen after 1979). Let it be known publicly that this will not happen, that anyone siding with the people is forgiven any past. Multiple postings on Twitter can help with this. Here are some examples ..."New Iran: Be it resolved, the death penalty for any crime is hereby abolished forever, and may not be reinstated for any reason." "New Iran: Be it resolved, ethnic regions will form self-governing autonomous provinces, and have a seat in national government." "New Iran: Be it resolved, any official or member of the military siding with the people, are hereby exonerated from any wrongdoing under IRI, and are forgiven." One of the most difficult elements to allow this forgiveness for is basij. But they number over a million, so will we be even worse than this current regime or the Shah, killing them all? They must be incorporated into national reconciliation, and given the opportunity to be healed from their terrible deeds by forgiveness. Please.
The above Twitter technique could also be used to help form the beginnings of a constitutional congress, or at least field ideas to be considered by one. The same format as above could be used, but adding the words, "If Agree RT." It then becomes a method of voting, and participation in what is being formed. Yes, of course there will be people who don't like a given idea ...but their views deserve to be heard too. Maybe your strike force could take on the responsibility of the campaign on line. Multiple strike forces taking on similar activities begin to move towards a real committee/congress and helps towards a synthesis. "New Iran: Be it resolved, everyone is free to believe whatever religion they wish. If Agree RT." "New Iran: Be it resolved, women and men are treated equally under the law. If Agree RT."
WARNING: Nothing of your activities online should be saved to your hard drive. Save only to an external, portable memory. The same should be done for any resistance art, brochures, or personal letters.
Thank you for allowing me to participate with you in your struggle for democracy as you define it. I will keep watch with you November 11. In the mean time ...
***more to come***