(For an entire month, I've been trying to dig my way out of severe writer's block. It was only after reading Healing for the Green Soul that I realized the source was rooted in the daily traumas perpetrated against the people of Iran. I had not grieved properly for loss of Ali, nor was I tending to my own agony, being so closely allied with the people, and my outrage for the atrocities being done to you. These atrocities are an enormity committed against the Iranian people, as well as all the people of the world! I'm able to grieve now, and I think we will need to weep often together in the months ahead.)
However, let us go back to build your future for yourselves; 16 Azar is almost upon us, and so much remains to be done to prepare as best we can. My friends, I will be on the streets protesting where I live, in solidarity with you on that day.
Have you ever heard the saying, "It is better to light one candle than to curse the darkness"? Well, in that I'm a Celt, I don't agree with it anyway. This is what I would say, "It is better to curse the wretched darkness, and then to light a huge bonfire!" Through your strategic planning and tactics developed, you are lighting a fire that will consume this regime and all its darkness. Your tactics are the lighters, and your strategy planning is the lighter fluid that will burn this illegitimate government to the ground. Let's continue with steps in strategic planning, as you are already running so far ahead in your resistance activities and cry for freedom. I'm proud of all of you brave people!
The main key to good strategic planning is a clear understanding of what you want to happen as the result of all your activities. At the summit of your grand plan is the stated overall objective, i.e. the realization of your dream. Every other goal must serve to help realize the fulfillment of your grand vision for the future. Devise a simple statement that defines it, and then place it at the top of your plan's diagram. If you support Dr. Sharp's stated objective, then get it up in front of you and your group. (I use large sheets of paper stuck to a wall where we're meeting together.) I've come to believe the sea of green wants 'freedom.' However, what this means and how to get there seems to be different between various constituent parts of the movement. Don't worry about that fact right now, and just get a consensus within your group of 3-9 people. The more individual groups who engage in this activity will help produce a greater likelihood of a larger negotiated compromise during phase II & III. And certainly there will need to be compromises between the various constituents. So, get it up there --as "Our Dream Is:"
Now, then, how will you recognize it when it happens? Define what you mean by it, and write it down on your diagram. Here are some ideas to consider, but you must decide for yourselves.
***more to come***
However, let us go back to build your future for yourselves; 16 Azar is almost upon us, and so much remains to be done to prepare as best we can. My friends, I will be on the streets protesting where I live, in solidarity with you on that day.
Have you ever heard the saying, "It is better to light one candle than to curse the darkness"? Well, in that I'm a Celt, I don't agree with it anyway. This is what I would say, "It is better to curse the wretched darkness, and then to light a huge bonfire!" Through your strategic planning and tactics developed, you are lighting a fire that will consume this regime and all its darkness. Your tactics are the lighters, and your strategy planning is the lighter fluid that will burn this illegitimate government to the ground. Let's continue with steps in strategic planning, as you are already running so far ahead in your resistance activities and cry for freedom. I'm proud of all of you brave people!
The main key to good strategic planning is a clear understanding of what you want to happen as the result of all your activities. At the summit of your grand plan is the stated overall objective, i.e. the realization of your dream. Every other goal must serve to help realize the fulfillment of your grand vision for the future. Devise a simple statement that defines it, and then place it at the top of your plan's diagram. If you support Dr. Sharp's stated objective, then get it up in front of you and your group. (I use large sheets of paper stuck to a wall where we're meeting together.) I've come to believe the sea of green wants 'freedom.' However, what this means and how to get there seems to be different between various constituent parts of the movement. Don't worry about that fact right now, and just get a consensus within your group of 3-9 people. The more individual groups who engage in this activity will help produce a greater likelihood of a larger negotiated compromise during phase II & III. And certainly there will need to be compromises between the various constituents. So, get it up there --as "Our Dream Is:"
The establishment of a free society
with a democratic system of government.
with a democratic system of government.
Now, then, how will you recognize it when it happens? Define what you mean by it, and write it down on your diagram. Here are some ideas to consider, but you must decide for yourselves.
- Where the death penalty is abolished forever, no matter the nature of the crime, and may not be reinstated for any reason --even in the time of war.
- Where women and men are treated equally under the law.
- Where minorities of all kinds are protected without discrimination.
- Where it is the right and duty of citizens to replace the government if and when it becomes oppressive and/or abusive.
- Where the ethnic and culturally unique provinces are self-governing autonomous regions of the one complete nation of Iran.
- Where all religions are protected, and everyone is free to believe whichever one they wish, without harassment, seizure of property or discrimination.
- Where religion is not supported by the government nor is granted any favored status under the law.
- Where religion is not allowed to meddle in the politics of the whole nation, including autonomous regions.
- Where the central government is small, and the regional governments large.
- Where the military does not engage in private enterprise in any fashion, or in the politics of our nation.
- Where the military swears to uphold the central and regional constitutions, by defending the people from any foe whether external or internal.
- Where the leading commander of all branches of the military is the duly elected executive, the president of our entire democracy.
- Where the judiciary follow the laws and legal procedures of universal practice set forth in the United Nation, and in The Hague.
- Were the exercise of jurisprudence is not dictated by any religious beliefs whatsoever.
- Where there are local civil and criminal courts, a supreme court for each region, and a national centralized Highest Court, all of which see to it there is only one criminal law of the whole nation.
- Where no cruelty in punishment is allowed, including all forms of torture, beatings, rape, and humiliation.
- Where no one is required to give testimony against his/her own self.
- Where police is professionally trained according to international standards, held accountable for their actions, and directed by the regional governments, and are not allowed to meddle in politics.
- Where there is no search and seizure allowed without reasonable cause, which shall be set forth in the central constitution, and is adhered to by all national and regional governmental bodies.
- Where there is no such thing as basij who are allowed to act as their own force, or in adjunct to military or police.
- Where only prisons exist according to the main constitution of Iran, and all secret/unlisted locations not authorized by law are hereby abolished, and must be publicly and with much ceremony destroyed.
- Where every citizen is free to hold, express and campaign for any political belief held, without intimidation or harassment from anyone.
- Where any citizen may freely join the public debate, and, if of legal age, run for regional and national office.
- Where every citizen of legal age is guaranteed the right to vote freely.
- Where every citizen is guaranteed immediate legal counsel if accused of a crime, and a speedy trial, with, if he/she chooses, a jury of peers.
- Where all trials are held in public, but in due process and decorum.
- Where there is uncensored freedom of press, electronic medium and communication, as well as freedom of expression.
- Where their is total freedom of academic investigation, debate, art, poetry, music and intellectual pursuit.
- Where the telling of untruths is regarded to be a national disgrace.
- Where there is a permanent Commission of National Reconciliation established to guide the initial healing of our nation from the abuses of power by the current illegitimate regime, and then to arbitrate future disputes between parties and areas and regions, so that cosmopolitan civility may prevail everywhere.
This is what we mean by 'freedom.'
***more to come***
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