Thursday, December 31, 2009

Phase I -- Part H [Revolution Winds]

Blog author, M.J. McCoy, in support of Iranian Freedom Patriots

I held off writing this current entry, until results of recent events became more clear, and possible trends identified. In addition, I wanted to verify information as to which way the wind is blowing for the Resistance Patriots in Iran. Here it is, so let's continue together.

The wind blowing across Iran is called "revolution," and I certainly did not anticipate your arriving at that point so quickly --although I did think you would eventually. What I am hearing from you, as is obvious to many analysts (of which those living it live are the most qualified) is that thirty years of repression is enough; thirty years of religious dogmatism is enough; thirty years of mass executions is enough; thirty years of torturing is enough; thirty years of being lied to by those in authority is enough; thirty years living in fear is enough; thirty years of systematic rape is enough; thirty years of betrayals and broken promises is enough; thirty years of being owned by a government that is nothing but a gang of self-serving cronies is enough; thirty years of suppression of free speech, journalists and brilliant intellectuals is enough; thirty years of a court system that cannot be trusted to render justice is enough; thirty years of being beaten up, kicked, knifed, shot-down and brutalized by a fanatic cult of basij is enough! "Enough" IS enough, already, and we've had it resign, or prepare to be destroyed. We WILL have our dream of a hundred years for democracy, or die fighting for it.

Am I hearing you correctly?

There is, my friends, a time to make peace, and there is a time to make love --and I'm sorry to say it, but now is the time to fight. Certainly, for the greens, it has been a rightful badge of honor to be credited worldwide as non-violent. Nevertheless, that can no longer be strictly said, can it? This time, at least some of you fought back in self-defense, physically attacking security forces, and doing a good job of it, I might add. Even yet, many are holding to Gandhi's path and what Dr. Gene Sharp teaches. I admire all of you, those who fought back and those who didn't ...and so did the rest of the world admire the great courage demonstrated by you all. You must choose your own way to "fight" in this struggle, but fight, we all must.

It seems to me, neither Gandhi's method, nor Dr. Sharp's type of velvet revolution, could anticipate the brand of a regime you now face. In Gandhi's case, while the British at times acted brutally, they were already overextended, and lacked the stomach ("it wouldn't be civilized") for continued wholesale slaughter, so he won. Dr. Sharp's scenarios seem valid to me only if the regime in question responds to worldwide pressures, and also has no stomach for endless carnage.

The Islamic Republic of Iran has already slaughtered literally thousands of its citizens, thinks nothing of torture, rape, murder, unspeakable cruelties, and fanaticism to continue mayhem, for however long it takes to destroy the opposition. No need to mention its view of world opinion. Consequently, what I'm saying here is that you've got an unprecedented situation to tackle, one with only some similarities to other models. Maybe you will do well to consider an approach utilizing both non-violent and combative at the same time, as well as other resistance techniques such as work stoppages, civil disobedience, and others, etc. There are many ways to fight in both models, but these are the hard decisions that are yours alone to make. You will need to press on with your own strategic planning, and the decisions are not easy ones.

This is an extremely dangerous phase, so we must move quickly, and yet with all the skill possible. There are many scenarios posing very real perils, not the least of which would be a sudden (sooner or later) collapse of the current regime. If this were to happen right now, the very possible likelihood would be total chaos for months, if not years, as various factions will be battling to fill the power vacuum. The resistance patriots need a plan for an interim government ASAP! (Possible ways to accomplish this will be discussed later.)

Here are some thoughts on how I see the regime plans (needing to be addressed in your planning also) to "deal" with the resistance patriots, non-violent and/or combative:
  • Kill as many participants as necessary, with a lot more "disappearances," and mass public executions.
  • Marginalize student leadership by intimidation, blackballing from university and various professions.
  • Continued use of basij to terrorize the general population into inaction.
  • Continued prosecutions in kangaroo courts, complete with more fake confessions.
  • Allow only hard line mullahs into public positions, and religious instruction of the people.
  • Use of Revolutionary Guards to enforce the SL's pronouncements, even if that means using heavy weapons (such as tanks) against so-called "rioters."
  • Increased 'management' of communication media.
All of which is designed to finally wear down resistance until the movement ceases to exist, and things go back to the way they were before the election protests.

There has been some discussion of the regular army coming to the defense of the people. In that scenario, I cannot see any way that the IRG will stand down, which would then likely devolve into civil war. Regions would then likely begin to struggle for their own autonomy, adding to the confusion and collective hardships. Who knows the outcome of this?

However, again, things are not hopeless, as the Iranian people have proven brilliant in reinventing themselves a number of times in their history. You can do it again, just keep going, talking, and brainstorming together within your groups. The next entry will make possible suggestions for tactics which you can consider ...but begin listing your own.

In the mean time, please examine two other blogs for ideas, and to which I also subscribe:
  1. Help and Hope for the Green, by Blkpaw, for non-violent preparedness.
  2. Guardians-of-Cyrus, combative considerations and ideas.
They are both listed in my profile to this blog, if you just want to click on them. Both contain some serious information. Lastly, for now, please consider the following reflection ...
"We are warriors for we fight to be the best we can be, not compared to any other, but within ourselves, the best for our own destiny.

We are warriors, for we contend in defense of the weak, the defenseless, the children and aged.

We are warriors, for we struggle to attain true wisdom, to follow excellent qualities of conduct, to be praiseworthy in truth of heart, exalted deeds and the path of spirit.

We are warriors, heroes together, for we stand courageous in loyalty to each other, to truth and responsibility for our own actions.

We are warriors, for we battle for the freedom of all people to determine their own destiny, and become the best they can be --without manipulation from anyone.

This is why we carry with pride the name warrior. We are Warriors in Both Worlds. Warriors of Truth.

We are Warrior Bands together."

***more to come***

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Phase I - Part G [Afirmation of Repudiation]

When beginning this manifesto back in September, I described your movement as a civil rights movement in the making. Well, you have gone much beyond that now. 16 Azar galvanized into a true freedom and liberty movement, and demonstrated the resolve to do whatever it takes ...for however long it takes, but that there is no going back. Between now and the next public outpouring of green resistance, still there is much need for continued strategic planning.

The dictators with the smiling faces are yet waiting in the wings, in the forms of "national unity" proposals and a possible complete, blatant military takeover. If the regime collapsed today, what would take its place? There needs to be a planned transition to democracy, without a bloodbath if possible, and not enough alliances have been solidly made to accomplish that yet. (We'll get back to that in the next section.) For now, please consider the following "Affirmation of Repudiation" as my attempt (from a distance) to verbalize what seemed to me was the thrust of your most recent protests. Whatever your new government will look like in the end (hopefully by your design) the movement needs a declaration of intent. If this one works, use it, if not ...rewrite it so that you "feel" yourself sucked into it. It is your future.



of the Nation of Iran,
the rightful heirs of the land and culture of our ancestors, who are the inheritors of all our natural resources and other benefits of this great land, and who are by nature born free with the right to self-determination and governance, together with one voice in unison, hereby REPUDIATE the Illegitimate and Dictatorial so-called "Islamic Republic of Iran" together with its system and officials, from this day forward we disavow you altogether.

To the entire world, we proclaim our just reasons for spewing you out of our mouths, and for despicable crimes, we trample your names under our feet:
  1. Through your deceit and treachery, you have denied justice and due recourse and safety to the people.
  2. You have illegally arrested the innocent, and contrived false charges against them.
  3. You have viciously tortured those taken as captives by your illegal bands of gangsters.
  4. You have literally raped our young men and young women, and then tried to cover it up.
  5. You have hanged to death our children without pity.
  6. You have imprisoned anyone who dares to disagree with you, and extracted false confessions to justify your treacheries.
  7. You have murdered yet untold numbers of our people, trying to make them disappear in hidden unmarked graves ...but we will find them all.
  8. You have squandered the resources belonging to the people through adventurism abroad, while lining your pockets with wealth exploited from the people.
  9. You have, by your parochial insistence, made us into a laughingstock among educated and civilized nations, where once we were respected as scholars and scientists.
  10. You have claimed to lead us in the path of true religion, but instead by your actions have shown us the face of true evil.
WE HEREBY SIGN THIS REPUDIATION by our own blood, declaring our just right to form ourselves into a SECULAR DEMOCRATIC NATION, and declare your names written into infamy, along with all other despicable tyrannical butchers of history. Here we stand, resolved!

***more to come***

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Phas I - Part F [16 Azar Dangers]

In my judgment, the 16 Azar demonstration/resistance/outcry threatens to be the most potentially ominous of any to date. I hope the events as they transpire will prove me wrong, and that finally justice and freedom for Iranians will prevail. Nevertheless, it is always better to be prepared as best as possible, and at least to be aware of potential, if not probable dangers at hand. Drawing from sources in Iran, the Diaspora, published foreign intelligence commentaries, "trends" in online discussions, together with public statements and past actions by the illegitimate regime, the following seems quite likely:
  • All communication, landline & mobile, will be suspended. (Take pictures anyway, if your device has sufficient internal memory, and broadcast to the world later.)
  • Public transportation will likely be limited, and some lines suspended, to restrict protester movement. (Travel the afternoon/night before, get as close to assembly point as possible, and stay the night with family or friends, or sleep the night under cover of wherever you can, and huddle together. This latter option needs food and water to be brought with you, as well as toilet paper. Next day, walk TOGETHER to designated location.)
  • The Chief of Police has promised to turn Tehran into a "police city," so the brutality of security forces and basij may be the most unrestrained that it has been so far. (See "Safety" below.)
  • Even greater number of arrests may be attempted than in the past; once in regime custody, then once again all holds may be off on the treatment of prisoners bad if not worse than before. (See "Self-defense" below.)
Safety Recommendations:
  • Put flat newspapers inside your clothing for transport to assembly point...once there, then wad-up each sheet and stuff back into clothes as "padding." It will be bulky, but will not hinder movement, and it will offer limited protection against body blows. Don't forget inside trouser legs, and groin too. Lots of paper!
  • Wear over-the-head and shoulders "water lifesaving jackets" as minimum body armor. Combine with above.
  • "Safety in numbers" could not be a truer axiom for protesters and resistance patriots of all kinds, so group together and pull each other to safety, and/or out of the clutches of guards or basij. If all else fails, as a "crowd," held together arms-in-arm, charge (yelling a battle cry) the guards and basij to retrieve those captured.
  • During our Irish revolution against the British, we used the round metal trash can lids found everywhere for three things: 1) scores of people (generally children, at the same time doing a kind of defiant street dance) would "crash" them about on the ground, sounding warning (primitive cell phone) that police and troops were coming, 2) "crashing" them loudly together (and yelling) as a warning that we were about to charge the "royal" police (psychological warfare), and 3) as minimal shields against first blows, and then to swing and smash them into the faces of the regime forces, ...or, once they were a bit battered, then to "sail" them through the air into their faces.

This is the most problematic of all topics for resistance patriots, as it generates the most divergence of opinions and even technique. Years ago I told a friend of mine, a native military officer from India, that I'd decided to become a non-combatant and to refuse violence of all kinds ...just like Gandhi. His smile was kind enough, as he replied, "No you haven't. I know you; you are a warrior, and have only just exchanged the type of weapons with which you choose to fight for others. I am Indian, and we know that the methods Gandhi selected to fight the British were regarded by them to do violence to their empire. Even non-violence does violence to repression, my friend."

OK, perhaps we cannot settle all the implications of this right now, as the press of 16 Azar is propelling us forward. But certainly options need to be considered carefully, along with the possible consequences. All I can plead is please be careful, and stay as safe as you can. Some things to consider:
  • I am convinced that any attempt to defend yourselves, even if non-violent in the sense of non-lethal, will be treated by this regime as an act of violence by an enemy of the revolution. It will escalate their retaliatory carnage against the people.
  • If the people act to rescue each other from arrest (which I strongly recommend that you attempt to do, because of the treatment that awaits all captives), by breaking the windows and pulling them off buses, surrounding basij vans and pulling people out, pushing basij to the ground (as tenderly as possible) and disarming them, taking keys to handcuffs to free people, etc. It will all be regarded by this regime as violent rioting ...and will be met with greater violence in return.
  • Some people, it seems, have already resolved to use non-lethal self-defense techniques and weapons. Home made pepper spray in squirt bottles, smoke "bombs," flash distractions like "tennis ball grenades," etc. are examples. It should, in all honesty, be pointed out that non-lethal weapons should actually read as "generally non-lethal," because in fluky situations they "can" be lethal, or at least physically damaging. Example: a tennis ball grenade accidentally striking someone's face, exploding and taking out an eye, etc. This is not to say don't use them, but rather to be aware of the risks. Tennis ball grenades can be great help as a distraction in mounting a full retreat.
  • For those who are resolved to use whatever force and/or weapons necessary, I can only say that I understand the desperation ...even if I think the decision is not at all timely or perhaps practical right now. However, if you have chosen, then know that everything about you is a potential weapon, and I mean everything! Your thumb in someone's eye, your fountain pen is a dagger, your belt with a buckle a distracting whip, hubcaps with edges sharpened by filing are aerial, whirling knife blades (sail them through the air upside down, i.e. inside facing up), a tire iron is a bludgeon, pieces of pipe spears, [there is probably not enough time to get ready with this next one, but here it is for later if you have really abandoned non-violence]: a single lightweight curved, auto leaf spring from wrecking yards ...for leg-pulled bows (laying on your back like ancient Persian bowmen, look it up in your library for ideas), with arrows from rigid antennas or thin aluminum pipe with front smashed tight (practice with this one, because you can tear the skin right off your legs with the wire bow string if not careful), and rocks laying about, etc. If neighborhoods are attacked again by the basij in the middle of the night (or any time), weapons can be old TV's thrown off buildings or from windows on them below, or chairs or anything, a pole lamp as an underarm lance for frontal ground level attack, damaged (from first raids) satellite discs (file every 6" to make a razor sharp edge that is about 3" long, on around the whole thing, with occasional hacksaw points cut out of the edge as well) can be sailed off roofs into guards or basij [probably not enough time for that one either, this time], and bricks thrown off of buildings, etc. Please understand, such will likely bring out troop carriers and regular military into the streets against you, so you will need to follow through by capturing weapons wherever/from whomever you can, and don't forget to collect the ammunition as well. My heart is heavy for all of you, as I'm afraid it is far too early for such actions. But I'm getting indications that some of you are here already. Get lots of bandages.
In whatever way you have chosen to resist on 16 Azar, my heart and mind is with you. Please, please try hard to not become like them ...brutal, and without mercy. It is appropriate for opposing warriors of all types to do battle, but when the other is defeated, do not forget pity and forgiveness ...lest you become non-human, which would be to become non-Persian. Be strong; be brave!

POST SCRIPT: Non-violent resistance can, in fact, win out in the end. It will, however, likely prove to be a quite lengthy process, with very many casualties. The current situation seems to be walking on a razor's edge, without clear indication of whether non-violence or resorting to armed resistance will be the enduring standard. Should many resort to arms of any kind, it is more than likely peaceful demonstrators will be viewed as one and the same with the violent. Think about it. Please know that I'm walking this with you ...without any condemnation of whatever your decisions may be. May it be freedom for Iran's people, and peace, and safety.

***more to come***

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Phase I - Part E [Back to Your Persian Future]

(For an entire month, I've been trying to dig my way out of severe writer's block. It was only after reading Healing for the Green Soul that I realized the source was rooted in the daily traumas perpetrated against the people of Iran. I had not grieved properly for loss of Ali, nor was I tending to my own agony, being so closely allied with the people, and my outrage for the atrocities being done to you. These atrocities are an enormity committed against the Iranian people, as well as all the people of the world! I'm able to grieve now, and I think we will need to weep often together in the months ahead.)

However, let us go back to build your future for yourselves; 16 Azar is almost upon us, and so much remains to be done to prepare as best we can. My friends, I will be on the streets protesting where I live, in solidarity with you on that day.

Have you ever heard the saying, "It is better to light one candle than to curse the darkness"? Well, in that I'm a Celt, I don't agree with it anyway. This is what I would say, "It is better to curse the wretched darkness, and then to light a huge bonfire!" Through your strategic planning and tactics developed, you are lighting a fire that will consume this regime and all its darkness. Your tactics are the lighters, and your strategy planning is the lighter fluid that will burn this illegitimate government to the ground. Let's continue with steps in strategic planning, as you are already running so far ahead in your resistance activities and cry for freedom. I'm proud of all of you brave people!

The main key to good strategic planning is a clear understanding of what you want to happen as the result of all your activities. At the summit of your grand plan is the stated overall objective, i.e. the realization of your dream. Every other goal must serve to help realize the fulfillment of your grand vision for the future. Devise a simple statement that defines it, and then place it at the top of your plan's diagram. If you support Dr. Sharp's stated objective, then get it up in front of you and your group. (I use large sheets of paper stuck to a wall where we're meeting together.) I've come to believe the sea of green wants 'freedom.' However, what this means and how to get there seems to be different between various constituent parts of the movement. Don't worry about that fact right now, and just get a consensus within your group of 3-9 people. The more individual groups who engage in this activity will help produce a greater likelihood of a larger negotiated compromise during phase II & III. And certainly there will need to be compromises between the various constituents. So, get it up there --as "Our Dream Is:"

The establishment of a free society
with a democratic system of government.

Now, then, how will you recognize it when it happens? Define what you mean by it, and write it down on your diagram. Here are some ideas to consider, but you must decide for yourselves.

  1. Where the death penalty is abolished forever, no matter the nature of the crime, and may not be reinstated for any reason --even in the time of war.
  2. Where women and men are treated equally under the law.
  3. Where minorities of all kinds are protected without discrimination.
  4. Where it is the right and duty of citizens to replace the government if and when it becomes oppressive and/or abusive.
  5. Where the ethnic and culturally unique provinces are self-governing autonomous regions of the one complete nation of Iran.
  6. Where all religions are protected, and everyone is free to believe whichever one they wish, without harassment, seizure of property or discrimination.
  7. Where religion is not supported by the government nor is granted any favored status under the law.
  8. Where religion is not allowed to meddle in the politics of the whole nation, including autonomous regions.
  9. Where the central government is small, and the regional governments large.
  10. Where the military does not engage in private enterprise in any fashion, or in the politics of our nation.
  11. Where the military swears to uphold the central and regional constitutions, by defending the people from any foe whether external or internal.
  12. Where the leading commander of all branches of the military is the duly elected executive, the president of our entire democracy.
  13. Where the judiciary follow the laws and legal procedures of universal practice set forth in the United Nation, and in The Hague.
  14. Were the exercise of jurisprudence is not dictated by any religious beliefs whatsoever.
  15. Where there are local civil and criminal courts, a supreme court for each region, and a national centralized Highest Court, all of which see to it there is only one criminal law of the whole nation.
  16. Where no cruelty in punishment is allowed, including all forms of torture, beatings, rape, and humiliation.
  17. Where no one is required to give testimony against his/her own self.
  18. Where police is professionally trained according to international standards, held accountable for their actions, and directed by the regional governments, and are not allowed to meddle in politics.
  19. Where there is no search and seizure allowed without reasonable cause, which shall be set forth in the central constitution, and is adhered to by all national and regional governmental bodies.
  20. Where there is no such thing as basij who are allowed to act as their own force, or in adjunct to military or police.
  21. Where only prisons exist according to the main constitution of Iran, and all secret/unlisted locations not authorized by law are hereby abolished, and must be publicly and with much ceremony destroyed.
  22. Where every citizen is free to hold, express and campaign for any political belief held, without intimidation or harassment from anyone.
  23. Where any citizen may freely join the public debate, and, if of legal age, run for regional and national office.
  24. Where every citizen of legal age is guaranteed the right to vote freely.
  25. Where every citizen is guaranteed immediate legal counsel if accused of a crime, and a speedy trial, with, if he/she chooses, a jury of peers.
  26. Where all trials are held in public, but in due process and decorum.
  27. Where there is uncensored freedom of press, electronic medium and communication, as well as freedom of expression.
  28. Where their is total freedom of academic investigation, debate, art, poetry, music and intellectual pursuit.
  29. Where the telling of untruths is regarded to be a national disgrace.
  30. Where there is a permanent Commission of National Reconciliation established to guide the initial healing of our nation from the abuses of power by the current illegitimate regime, and then to arbitrate future disputes between parties and areas and regions, so that cosmopolitan civility may prevail everywhere.
This is what we mean by 'freedom.'

***more to come***

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Phase I - Part D [The Song of Persia]

It was towards the end of Phase I - Part C that I said, historically, Celts are distant cousins to Iranians, and it is so, as we share part of an Aryan past. Furthermore, I would put it to you that we share a profound and deep-rooted psyche, which is far more than what might be called the "historical accident" just mentioned. What I'm talking about are qualities of character, traits that are so strong as to be possible to be viewed as part of our blood and bones. Before continuing with strategic planning, please allow me to explain what I see as the importance of this in your current struggle and resistance.

I have noted the rhetoric of this regime claiming that the reasons you are clamoring for democracy are because the West, including its culture and values, has influenced you. However, I think you would be seeking freedom, even if the West didn't exist at all! I think the reasons rest within your being Persians, of a Persian history, of a Persian culture, of a Persian language ...all of which implies being of a Persian character, one that has existed all along between the lines of Farsi. For all the efforts of the mullahs to distance you (lest you be led astray) from your heritage as Persians, even attempting to destroy memory of it, nonetheless your language, poetry and great epic literature have kept your memory for you, awaiting you to awaken and remember who you are. And if I'm even anywhere close to being accurate here, then a new possible slogan for your resistance movement could very well be "Because We Are Not Arabs!"

In fact, the process of moving towards individual and collective freedoms had its origins with you, beginning with your Cyrus the Great. If anything, it is the West that is indebted to you in innumerable ways, from human rights, to architecture, polity, astronomy and more. You have awakened, and are demanding to have ownership of yourselves back again. Long lives Persia! Long lives the beauty and honor of the Persian People!

What defines a culture and its people are the foundational values held by them. These values become codified in its art, poetry, literature, song and architecture ...but most of all in its language. When I began making comparisons between Persian and Irish-Celtic cultures this is what I found: both are from Indo-European roots; Farsi and Irish are both poetic languages; each culture values learning most of all; each puts its most profound values and insights into poetry; each loves beauty and art; each insists upon honor; each loves to sing and dance; each is loyal to its own; each is highly irascible; each is prone to deep emotional attachments to people and regional geography; and in antiquity both were based upon a warrior culture in which women as well as men were warriors, politicians and generals of armies. Please, be now what you are, my friends, Persian!

Furthermore, in Part C as well, for this resistance I encouraged you to think of yourselves as warriors. Although, not everyone who resists, fights, has fought, or will fight should be identified as a warrior. Throughout history that word has been applied only to a select, unique group and type of individuals. No matter what culture it is, warriors have always been those who are bound together by a commonly held "warrior code." It is that code which sets them apart from the forcefully conscripted soldiers and other combatants. And it is that code which makes them so formidable, as well as defining them as worthy of respect from others, and respect for themselves. It is the code that makes their struggle worthy in the eyes of society, and enables them to reintegrate back into society when the conflict has ended. An examination of various warrior cultures reveals a remarkable similarity of the values set forth in many of their codes. In one way or another, bravery is honored, fairness is expected, kindness is encouraged, loyalty is expected, mercy is one of the highest goods, and above all trustworthiness and telling the truth is an absolute. For the warrior, there is no honor except in keeping the code.

Dr. French asks the beginning classes at the Naval Academy to select which of the following words is the perfect synonym for "warrior."(1) Students consider the five words, including murderer, killer, fighter, victor, and conqueror. The surprising consistent results are --none of these terms are suitable synonyms describing the true warrior. A warrior is governed by the highest ethics and values of his society, often married to the society's metaphysics in its underpinnings. A person could be any of what these five words imply and have no ethical principles at all. In some cultures, the warrior's code may not be written out in a formulaic fashion, but may be contained nonetheless in epic stories of heroes and heroines, divinities, music and/or poetry.

On examining the fact that both Celtic and Persian were warrior cultures, I discovered that there was an identical bottom line for warriors in both. In an Irish epic, we find these words, "We, the Fianna (warrior bands) never told a lie, falsehoods were never imputed to us." Then I found the ancients reported that a Persian youth is taught three things, to ride, to shoot a bow, and not to lie. It seemed to me to be regarded as an ultimate kind of evil. If I remember correctly, Cyrus even went to war with two or three lesser rulers in the Persian Empire "because they lied." Of course, among the more famous of Persian warriors were the Immortals. As I'm given to understand, so called because their number was always maintained at ten thousand. The Irish Fianna Warrior Code may be found and reconstructed from various epic narratives and tales of warriors, and I'll share a sampling of two with you:

(The qualities of a true warrior,) "though youthful, are demonstrated in one who is
  • Responsive to instruction and leadership,
  • Unpretentious and of restrained spirit,
  • Compliant in following directives and guidance,
  • Sincere and aware in matters of conscience,
  • Solemn and heartfelt in the path of spirit,
  • True in word to self and others.
Such will be loved in their youth, and honored in old age. Though youthful they will be mature. Though lowly, they will be of noble appearance." -based upon Cormac mac Airt

(These are the behaviors desirable in young warriors,) "and are observed in one who
  • Is attentive to the cycles of nature,
  • Is observer of the heavens,
  • Is investigator of mysteries,
  • Is silent in the wilderness,
  • Is friendly in social occasions,
  • Is kind in friendship,
  • Is attendant of the sick,
  • Is gentle to the feeble,
  • Is strong against wrongful power,
  • Is ready to give to the needy.
  • Though strong, is not unkind,
  • Though adaptable, is not subservient,
  • Though intelligent, is not a know-it-all,
  • Though quick, is not reckless,
  • Though assertive, is not arrogant,
  • Though observant, does not talk about anyone in his absence,
  • Though young, does not ridicule the elderly,
  • Nor the poor,
  • Nor the ragged,
  • Nor the lame,
  • Nor the blind,
  • Nor the weak,
  • Nor the demented,
  • Nor the foolish,
  • Is not sulky, hot-tempered, lazy, stingy, idle or jealous. For those who are sulky, hot-tempered, lazy, stingy, idle and jealous are repulsive to the people and all true warrior bands.
It is through these practices that youths may toughen into true and noble warriors, and so prove an honor to themselves and the people."

I do not read or speak Farsi, so I've been unable to attempt reconstructing what might rightly be called the Persian Warrior Code. However, those of you who do, could do so for the benefit of the resistance movement. Presumably, a beginning could be made by examining your own epic literature, stories of warriors, and proverbial wisdom sayings. The example set by Cyrus after capturing Baghdad could be used to imply the code included kindness and forgiveness to conquered previous foes, etc. If we only begin with bravery, loyalty, kindness, mercy, and telling the truth, then I think you can see why NONE of the security forces have shown themselves to be warriors, but have acted as psychopathic, murderous killers with no honor at all. I DO think there are some in the various branches of the military who "sense" the wrongness of the beatings, torture, rape and wholesale killing of peaceful protesters. Some may even despise the grand lies being told. Anything that can be done to encourage them becoming warriors needs to be done; there are some who will respond to the lofty call. But when all is said and done, "we" must not be like them ...we must respond as true warriors.

May I suggest not adopting the ancient designation of Immortals, but instead to consider the title of "The Eternals." My reasons are that while it was certainly a valid military decision to keep the troop level at ten thousand, "immortal" carries the implication of "becoming" everlasting, whereas the term "eternal" carries the concepts of always having been without interruption. As you are standing for freedoms that have always been the right of every human being from time immemorial on into forever, even if you die, you are standing as Warriors of The Eternal Universal Truths. You are The Eternals, the new bands of Persian warrior-poets. Stand strong, together, and stand tall.

(1) See The Warriors Code, by professor French, here. The entire white paper is worth reading.
See also Why Do Warriors Need A Code? by Dr. French, here. All three parts are highly recommended for new warriors and old warriors.

***More to Come***

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Phase I - Part C [Why I'm Writing]

I've already suggested, "If you are a Resistance Patriot of any kind, then a state of war exists between you and the current oppressive regime!" I'm reiterating that statement again here, so that you may begin to think of yourselves as standing on a very real battlefield, to fight a war that you did not start, but was declared upon you! Nonetheless, you must fight with all your strength and skills, steeling your will in the face of very real casualties ...for there will be many. In addition, battles can be quite fluid, often unpredictable, and may require learning new skills quickly and improvising others on the spot. Often, Irish call upon their ancestors to go into battle with them. It is amazing the courage, finesse and balance that come just at the speaking of their names. Try this one if you wish: "O Cyrus of the Persians, rouse yourself to stand with us in battle," or perhaps, "Cyrus the Mighty, Just and Wise, leads us forward." You are warriors now, of an ancient, honorable and venerable path of blazing fire. So stand with the poise, the demeanor, and courage of YOUR ancient Persian warrior-poets. A further suggestion before pressing on --warriors never go into battle angry with anyone, or with anything ...with deadly skills, with 'feeling,' with conviction, yes, but never anger. That's because anger is a war against yourself.

We have much yet to cover, but someone has asked me why I'm writing this Resistance Manifesto, and as an Irish, how is it, I even care about Iranians? So this is probably belated, but here's my answer. My best friend for years (who is gone now) was from Tehran, and for his memory I have strong loyalty. Another, more recent friend, Ali, is one of the missing from the protests. Then, watching the first protest in Tehran after the fabricated election, I spotted someone in the crowd that I recognized. Deep inside I felt he would not survive long, as I have some personal experience with the brutality that can be part of politics in the Middle East. While the Western media seemed to lack driving interest in the happenings there, I, like so many across the planet, found myself riveted to Twitter, You Tube, Tehran Bureau and Facebook ...desperate for any crumb of information, and, unable to not weep at what was happening there.

If I told you that at some point I can't explain Iranians became a family to me, that would be close to the desperation and shell shock and anguish that poured through me. I'm reasonably certain most of us will have images in our minds that will last a lifetime. The one that pushed me over the edge into "Iranian Activism" was the one above.

What I saw in the face of this young protester was the face of my son, and my heart burst. After studying three different martial arts, the disaster about to happen was clear at least to me. Look at the young man's hands ...he is NO danger to the officer, yelling protest, yes, but no danger; this is not a rioter. Now look at the position of the policeman's nightstick. The blow about to be inflicted is with the intent to kill, not subdue a disgruntled citizen upset about a fake election. It became my son that I HAD to rise to defend, and still is! When Neda was shot in cold blood, it was one of my sisters who had just died. But, you see, that is really the case now isn't it? And there's more: As I told a fine young Iranian woman here where I live, I am Irish-Celt, so that means we are distant cousins to Iranians. I had to stand up for my tribe. I felt compelled to do something that may save one Persian life!

Certainly, I'm not expecting everyone to agree with all that I say, or even like any of it at all. Although, if what I write in the blog saves one life, it will be worth it. Things are transpiring so quickly there in Iran, my main concern is a life will be lost because I was not timely enough on a particular piece of information. I'll try to type faster.

***More to come***

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Phase I -- Part B [New Dangers]

A CAUTIONARY NOTE: When first beginning to write this Resistance Manifesto, I had intended to not post any of it until all of Phase I (The Plan To Plan) was complete. However, the press of fast moving events in Iran seemed to demand quicker action, and so Part A is posted to be followed by other 'parts' as well as later by Phase II (Defense & Attack) and Phase III (Founding Democracy). In addition, I've been requested to write shorter pieces, so there is not as much to digest all at one time. I will try!

In many ways, this "Part B" is a parenthesis in our discussion of strategic planning, necessitated by what I see as dangerous developments within your country of Iran. By dangerous I mean positioning of security forces for an even more brutal crackdown yet to come, and an equally lethal new attempt to create "the dictator with the smiling face," in the form of 'compromise' agreements posited by Mousavi and Rasfandjani styled in the cause of national 'unity.'

Just in case some people may be missing the thrust of this, here is what needs to be kept in mind while viewing this activity. Both of these men are part of this regime, and intending to maintain it, mostly as it is. In this commentary is offered: "But he (Mousavi) also hinted that all this could be undone if intemperate words and behavior fueled further violence. This could be seen as a plea to protesters not to demand the end of the Islamic republic and to stop direct verbal attacks on the Supreme Leader."

It seems obvious to me that the resistance/protest movement has already passed by these gentlemen, leaving them in the dust of what 'could-have-been' mere cosmetic new freedoms --was it not for fraud and inhuman repression, torture, etc. Also, it never ceases to amaze me that free speech fuels 'justifiable' further violence. That kind of thinking is inexcusable and flies in the face of anything approaching logic. It's like saying I 'forced' you to steal my wristwatch because it was gold. However, be assured that whatever agreements are reached, the people will be 'required' to accept it or face a protracted bloodbath at the hands of security forces! The SL and Ahmadinejad are trying to get the world to look away, while they attempt to destroy the domestic democracy movement in Iran.

To me, the real question remains: "What do you, the people of Iran, want?" If more of the same old thing is acceptable to you, then fine, cease resistance. However, if you really want a free society with a democratic system of government, then prepare yourselves for a protracted struggle, and to celebrate your fallen heroines and heroes, because the fight has only just begun ...and it will be brutal. It becomes all the more critical to do strategic planning, and to hone the skills of your quick-hit-and-run resistance strike force.

Multiple secretive units like this will be the proving ground for working together later. Don't worry about finding a main leader or leaders in the future, because I assure you such leaders will find you when the time is right. The struggle gives birth to the necessary leadership. And, always plan for multiple ways to avoid capture, and many ways to escape, so you can reappear repeatedly to continue resistance.

"To see with Neda's eyes /
I'd be the greatest poet.

To sigh with her voice /
I'd be the greatest philosopher.

To look with closed eye /
I'd be humanity's greatest traitor!"

***More to come***

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Phase I - Part "A" [First Things]

Resistance Manifesto:
A suggestion to the Iranian Patriots

by Michael J. McCoy

For friend Ali,
who thought it was worth risking his life in protest,
because he wanted to have hope.
But in the end his government betrayed him,
and so did the mullahs of his religion.
May they all rot in a unique hell constructed just for them!

PHASE I -- The Plan To Plan

Resistance to exploitation, oppressive authoritarian rule, restrictive regulations for controlling every aspect and movement of society, including academic inquiry, art, poetry and freedom of a belief and speech, is as old as history itself. Resistance may be viewed as the natural response of the human being to such injustices, and, so is no doubt a part of prehistory as well. If a lion is cornered, certainly no one would question the just right of the lion to fight its way to freedom. And, so there must be no questioning of the ethics, morality, even duty, of people to resist now at this time in history--it is their right!

This commentary reflects my point of view on resistance, which I am convinced must always be "formal" and "calculating" if it is to be successful. By successful I mean it must result in political and sociological self-determination. In that regard, then, this is rudimentary scaffolding from which to build to that end, and without my being forced to engage in any polemics regarding it. I am in hopes you will not believe anything I've proposed here, nor think that I am insisting it is how you must think and act. Rather, I hope you will test every premise or assumption, argue it among yourselves, and reject and/or accept only of what you are convinced. As a bare minimum, I am in hopes the Patriots will continue utilization of resistance as a desirable, albeit limited, method to achieve self-determination for the Iranian people.

At the outset, it is important to understand that, historically, resistance is always the result of the overt actions of the oppressors. The resistance begins only after the patience of the "long-enduring" populace reaches a breaking point. That breaking point may be for various reasons, but is never the preplanned sinister plot emanating from the downtrodden masses. It may appear to be sparked by a seemingly, or actually insignificant issue, which is, in reality, the "last straw" that blows the lid off the simmering societal pressure-cooker. Equally important is that the resistance will generally follow fairly standard protocol, i.e. stages, in response to the very predictable actions of the established regime, which is trying to maintain its power and fringe benefits at any cost.

It is imperative to understand that the dictatorial government is exceptionally dangerous; it has all the guns, finances, structures and machinery of absolute power, and will not give them up willingly, without a bitter, brutal fight! Be under no delusion about this, please. However, this does not mean that the resistance cannot win out in the end. Nevertheless, it is likely to be a long, hard and personally costly affair, which must be accepted by all those active participants of the resistance.

Each stage of the protocol carries clearly discernible characteristics, as well as very real potential dangers to the resistors, and traps that will be laid by the regime. To know in advance is to be forewarned, to be forewarned is to be prepared, to be prepared, is to develop alternate routes of escape, to come back to resist repeatedly. (This "repeatedly" is the secret weapon of resistance, forming the main tactic to wear down the oppressive regime--until it crumbles. It then becomes a major part of the strategy to protect this tactic no matter what else happens!) The historical witness, both ancient and modern, shows clearly that the resistance of the people can and does win against oppressive authoritarian governments, including against their well-equipped paramilitaries, secret services, and special armies. Let's begin examining the stages of resistance, and their evolution from one stage to the next.

Frequently enough, the first stage is a kind of mass struggle, at first taking the form of peaceful protests for grievances to be heard. This may be in the forms of articles, petitions, and/or demonstrations in the streets. This is the point of the first real danger, in the form of governmental response. Most authoritarian, dictatorial regimes view their population as "mere children" needing to be mollycoddled, but incapable of being adults. (At least the ones who have been left alive, that is.) So, the first response is likely to be mild amusement that the "children" are acting up again, how sweet! Though it's not limited to them, theocracies are especially prone to this. It may be one that controls the state, as in Iran, or one where the state is in a league with religion, as is currently the case in Russia. I would include Communism in this as well, because, in its functionality, it is really a secular religion, and as repressive. The strategy here is that if the "parents" simply acknowledge the childish antics, then the children will go back to play with their blocks again. After all, what the little ones are really seeking is simply attention. (Remember Ahmadinejad's comment about the protests being like the turmoil after a football game?) OK, so the danger is in whether or not the protesters are willing to buy into this definition, and assume the position of children again. If they do buy into it, then it was useless to have protested in the first place, but if not, well then, it moves to the next stage.

Stage two often remains in the arena of peaceful protest, but is considerably more determined to resist. It also starts moving towards being multifaceted, i.e. into many different avenues for protest, all of which are dictated by the immediate circumstances. Examples could include spontaneous causal and disjointed organization, distribution of "homegrown" informal publications, pamphlets and tracts, banners and spray-painted slogans on buildings, as well as an expanding number of chanted mottoes. These slogans and mottoes are a major indication that resistance is undergoing a transmutation in the philosophical and psychological underpinnings of the people, and are the first signs that a true movement may be being born. Now the totalitarian regime actually recognizes that it has a real potential problem on its hands, and moves to counter it. This is danger number two of governmental response; beware!

However, before examining the nature and specifics of this second danger, it is necessary to address at least one item the regime has in its arsenal for defeating any resistance. The most insidious, but standard to oppression, is the fact that such regimes "wrap" themselves in what I call "legalize," that is, a show of so called democratically enacted legislation, but which, in fact, has one purpose only--to keep them and their cronies in power. ALL of these are designed to maintain the power elite at the standard of living and other privileges to which they have become accustomed. In this way, they can appeal to the law of the land for justification of their actions, but which, as you will see, are in fact unjust and without conscience.

A very recent example of this from South America was the arrest by the Honduran military, and subsequent exile, of President Zelaya, on the grounds he had violated the law, which he hadn't! The 'behind-the-scenes' reality here is the oligarchic alliances between landowners, businessmen, judiciary and military to maintain the status quo, i.e. that they rule without concessions to the majority of poverty stricken Hondurans. The reason these Honduran power elites do not want the possibility of any president holding a second term, is that he/she might become so popular with the people that their privileged power could be undermined. So they crafted the constitution to allow only one term, and then claimed Zelaya was 'about' to violate the legal constitutional law, and they did it with the support of the judiciary. All of this is, of course, a lie, but does it sound familiar? Moving on to danger number two.

Whatever the nature of the original complaint(s), the regime begins asserting that all its actions were proper and legitimate (i.e. legal under the law) and therefore the resistance is unjustifiable. However, who is in control of all the actions, and what laws are they using? It is the power elite who is in complete control, and the laws being used are those constructed to protect them from any scrutiny or reasonable accountability to those being acted upon--the people! Then, predictably, the regime attempts to throw a magnanimous curve ball, it offers a 'compromise.' Please note that the compromise it offers is always disingenuous (because the only 'virtue' such a totalitarian regime embraces is maintenance of absolute power) and leaves them in complete control. This may be couched in 'understanding' terminology, like, "Of course you are mistaken, but to demonstrate what a good father I am, here, you can have this ice-cream, and it will make you feel all better now." It is, by no stretch of imagination, an outrageous insult to the intellectual integrity of the people.

In the case of your disputed elections in Iran, the original demand was for a new election. This was entirely sidestepped by the powers that be, and the compromise offered was a recount of 10% of the votes. Certainly, Mousavi and the others were right in refusing to accept this, and for good reasons. Firstly, where did these particular votes come from, and who selected them? How is it that 10% is representative of the actual votes anyway? Was this 10% part of the original rigging? If this was really a legitimate solution, why not invite in international participation to do the actual recount of all ballots and then certify the results, or to supervise a new election? Regardless of whether the election was a fraud or not, the real reason this, or something similar, was not done boils down to the exercise of power. To put it bluntly, "I am the grand exalted leader, the all-powerful pooh-bah of the universe, and you are only children, so who are you to question ME?"

Step three of resistance is most often the absolute and public refusal of the people to accept the government response, period, and the demand for sweeping reforms! This is met by the regime with entrenching within its power base. It is here that the regime reveals its true nature for all to see, breaking its own laws and viciously turning on the people in successive bloodbaths. The danger now is that the people will retreat in horror, giving up meaningful resistance to save life and limb. No one, who is not directly affected by this reality, has any right to criticize the choices that only individuals have the right to make. Certainly, cessation of resistance is what the illegitimate regime is hoping, and for which it will deploy all its resources to accomplish. If, however, the people are going to in any way recover and continue resistance, then many stark realities need to be faced coldly, calculatingly and with steeling of the collective will. Brave people of Iran, please forgive me that I now take the liberty to relate certain particulars, some of which you know altogether too well already.

One stark reality needing to be faced is: who are the enemies to your freedom that you now face? This is of utmost importance to define, and about which you must be without doubt. Please be patient with me, as there can be no 'shading' of this matter if you are to be effective in your resistance. So, first of all, who is responsible for the beatings, arrests, torture, rapes and merciless slaughter of protesters? Who initiated, and authorized it? For those who are genuinely and graciously devout, I am grieved to relate the following.

I am not an Iranian, but as I watched and listened to Ayatollah Ali Khamenei's sermon (which I did intently) at that fateful Friday Prayers, it became obvious to me that he was, in fact, authorizing violence against lawful protesters, and that his tears were a cheap theatrical stunt! He, himself, was calling out and setting loose his basij monsters to tear the people to pieces. To claim that some underling is to blame, including the despicable Ahmadinejad (though he and others are complicit) is another of the grand lies of this regime. There is nothing that happens in Iran without the consent and knowledge of the Supreme Leader. One of many things that struck me when I watched the video showing where Neda was buried, and the row upon row of freshly dug graves...ready and waiting. I knew instantly the regime was planning to kill lots of people; it was all thought out in advance. The only reason Khamenei shut down one prison, was because the son of an influential man was killed there. He IS your enemy.

However, there are others who also must be identified (which we will continue to do shortly) unequivocally as enemies to your freedom. This is necessary in order to properly evaluate the forces arrayed against you, and to begin developing strategy and tactic to continue resistance. If resist is what you really want to do, then now is not too early to define resistance to what end, i.e. what do you want to be the result? You, who identify with the democracy movement in Iran must define that for yourselves. I've seen your protests referred to as 'revolution,' though it appears to me at this point to be a civil rights movement, yet in the process of being born. For now, as a possibility, please consider seriously Dr. Gene Sharp's words: "We have argued here that overthrow of the dictatorship or removal of the present dictators is not enough. The objective in these conflicts needs to be the establishment of a free society with a democratic system of government."(1) With this as a 'working' beginning, let's identify the other "present dictators" of this dictatorial regime. The following is a listing of those from whom you must not expect any help in your cause, or even dare to trust them in anything--except ruthlessness!

General Hassan Firouzabadi, the Joint Chief of Staff of regular military and Revolutionary Guards, and Hezbollah shock troops. He has vowed to use the military against the people of Iran.

Hossein Hamedani, deputy commander of basij militia, and one of many responsible for beatings, abductions, tortures, rapes and executions of Iranians.

Brigadier General Yadollah Javani, head of political bureau, and propaganda director of Revolutionary Guards, who wants to blind "completely" the eyes of protesters, and "gouge" them out.

Mojtaha Khamenei, (a one time?) commander of basij assassins, the likely organizer of fraudulent election,

Hossein Shariat Madari, editor of Keyhan Newspaper, tool of supreme leader and intelligence services, and an interrogator at Evin prison.

Prosecutor General Saeed Mourtazavi, known as the "butcher of the press," and responsible for detention, torture and death of unknown numbers of Iranian journalists and citizens.

Brigadier General Ahmad-Reza Radan, acting police chief of Teharan, responsible for punishing thousands of young "criminals" detained for offending Islamic morals, some resulting in hangings.

Brigadier General Qassem Soleimani, commander of Quods Force, and who answers directly to Ali Khamenei.

Mojtaba Zolnour, is Khamenei's representative to the Revolutionary Guards, ensuring everyone in the command structure is loyal to the supreme leader. He claims that nearly everyone has confessed.

These constitute the most ferocious and strongest wall of defense around the authoritarian regime, and rightly identified as part of the "band of dictators." That is not to say, as resistance gains adherents and celebrates some minor successes, farther down the road that lower ranking individual military officers and personnel will not be secretly supportive. Nevertheless, those at the top of whatever branch of the existing regime and its various ministries must not be trusted, parleyed with, or entered into negotiations with for any reason. Second, third and fourth in command must not be trusted either. The same goes for the latest appointments and reshuffling of officials. Inspired by a statement the South American freedom fighter, Che Guevara, made,(2) this latter group may be viewed as what I have referred to as "the dictator with the smiling face." Certainly that phrase is worth remembering, as the regime will present such a face repeatedly--do not allow yourselves to be deceived, or weaken your resolve. The dictator with the smiling face will never let you be free, only add a few more rings to the chain already attached to your ankle, so that you feel you are!

The role of clergy in all this also demands resolute examination, and willingness to face the clear facts, no matter your emotional response or wishful thinking. They are also part of the forces arrayed against a longing for your own free society and democratic way of life. In most oppressive regimes to even use the word 'democracy' can land you in prison. Who is forbidding you to use it now? Please understand, I am not saying one should hold this religion or that one, or none at all. What I'm saying is that, historically, when the clerics are ruling the society it has not forebode well for the people's freedom in all respects. This is so no matter what theocracy it is, whether Judaism, Islam, Confucianism, Hinduism, Buddhist, or within Christianity: Catholicism, Eastern Orthodoxy, Protestantism, Mormonism and the Byzantine Empire. And, always, the rights of children and women have suffered. Don't take my word for it. Go look for yourselves.

I'm Irish, and it took us 800 years to get the British Empire out of our country, including many bloody battles. Once we were free, do you know what we discovered? We discovered it was the clergy who had sold us out in the first place, literally, to the the Pope could use the king to collect the Papal taxes, that we Irish were refusing to pay. It was for power and money, while the clergy grew fat and the people starved! Persia, too, has a long history of clergy betrayals, some even back into pre-Islamic time. Witness the seminal work of Ferdowsi, Shahnameh, about Prime Minister Mazdak,(3) and more recent clergy involvement as well.(4) Use of religion can be especially insidious as a control and repression mechanism, because of its psychological advantage, which lulls the people into a state of acquiescence--as it speaks for God, so who can "dare" to resist the clergy.

Certainly, your own Dr. Shariati's convictions on "religious government" are of particular relevance for Iran today, where he says:

"A religious regime is one in which, instead of the political figures, religious figures take up political and governmental positions. In other words, a religious regime means the rule of the clerics. One natural consequence of such a regime is dictatorship, because the cleric views himself as God's representative who carries out His orders on earth, and therefore, people have no right to express their opinions, or criticize and oppose him.

"A religious leader considers himself automatically a leader (of the state) due to being a cleric and religious scholar, not due to the people's vote, view and approval. Thus, he is also a ruler without any responsibility (for whatever he does), and this (thinking) is the mother of the dictatorship by one person (over the masses). And because he considers himself the shadow and representative of God (on earth), he also rules over people's lives and belongings. He allows no doubt (to be expressed) in any oppression and repression that he commits, because he sees God's approval (satisfaction) in it (in what he does). Aside from this, he does not recognize any rights, even the right to live, for the opposition and followers of other religions, because he considers them as the target of God's wrath, deviated from the true path, unclean, and an enemy of (his) religion's path, and views their oppression as God's justice."(5)

The only real and lasting solution is a separation of religion from secular government, with no religion either supported by it, or in a favored status. Talk to your parents and grand parents, and ask them: "When you voted 30 years ago, did you really think this is what we would get? Did you even dream that the clergy would progressively hijack our country, and our freedoms stolen from us? A country where now old men sentence women to be beaten for how they dress, and children are raped and hung to death? Is this the country you really wanted for us?" My friends, you must add the clergy to your list, and especially the most ruthless and powerful must do it! Please forgive me but here, then, is a start:

Ahmad Khatami, a member of the Assembly of Experts, who wants to charge protesters as "mohareb" (those who wage war against God) and sentence them to death.

Hojatoleslam Mostafa Pourmohammadi, who, among his other "stunning" achievements, was put in charge of the "Death Committees" responsible for massacres of some 30,000 political prisoners ordered by Ayatollah Khomeini. He is often in charge of maintaining the power of the clerical monarchy.

Ayatollah Mohammad Taghi Mesbah Yasdi, member of the Assembly of Experts, spiritual leader of Ahmadinejad, Revolutionary Guard and basij, and noted for his role in the brutal suppression of the reformist movement a decade ago.

Other notables, could well include the following mullahs, and others, with private accounts in foreign banks:

Ali Khamenei, = approximately 282 millions.

Ali Akbar Hashemi Rasfandjani,
= approximately one billion, and 247 millions.

Mohammad Ali Tasskhiri,
= approximately 340 millions.

Mohammad Golpayegani,
= approximately 87 millions.

Ahmad Jannati,
= approximately 54 millions.

Abdollah Nategh Nouri,
= approximately 187 millions.

Abbas Vaez-Tabassi,
= approximately 313 millions.

Abbas-Ali Forooghi,
= approximately 10 millions (a mere pauper by comparison).

Not even counting all the other mullah bank accounts (does God even know how many mullahs there really are?), or accounts for other officials of the Islamic Republic of Iran, but just from above, it's a cool 2,520,000,000 folks. Let's see if I've got this right: China and Russia buy oil from Iran's government. Iran supports foreign fighters in Lebanon and elsewhere. Russia and China sell weapons to the dictator, and China gets to dump its cheap, inferior products into Iran, putting Iranians out of work. The Revolutionary Guard sells their products to Iranian citizens also, thereby helping to fund their repression of the people. Then the clergy deposit huge amounts of money in offshore banks. Of course, who could doubt the integrity of the clergy in such an operation? Don't you see? It's all about their power, their money, their privileges, and their perks! Well, and, they do get to run around wearing such holy-looking robes and all, spouting platitudes about how 'we' should live godly lives. I can think of only one word, "farce."

OK, so now you have a pretty good idea of the forces arrayed against your resistance movement, and you as individuals. Where do you go from here, what will be you resistance strategy? What is your step number four? As tiring as it sounds, and IS, you begin with deciding that you absolutely must plan ahead. You bring together a small, select group of your best minds, some of which (though not all) must have an eye for detail. The number of people at this point is roughly five, but no more than nine. (In a moment we'll look at who is the leader of the planning, and how this group is selected.) For now, think in terms of asking a series of "what-ifs?" Of necessity, the very first one is "what if we take head-on all the forces arrayed against us, i.e. a frontal attack? (Now, everybody look up at the ceiling, picturing in your mind all the military, air force, navy, basij, and of course, mullahs in front of you.) So if you did the frontal attack, what would be the result, and is that what you want to happen? Unless you've decided that being killed (literally) will further the resistance, you then discard this idea (for now) as not a desirable strategy.

However, each of the components making up the oppressive regime is not all powerful alone, and by now is probably paranoid because of your past resistance and demonstrations, etc. So, "what-if" we selected the one that would be the least likely immediate physical threat? As illustration, I'm going to say you decide part of your strategy will be chipping-away at the confidence and security of the mullahs. Think in terms of your 'army' being this small group, for the moment, and answer: "How can we do it, and have the desired result?" Anything is worth considering, and nothing is a dumb possibility to consider, even if later you decide we'd better not do that. How you decide to take action is "one tactic" (tactical weapon) in your arsenal to begin unnerving the mullah establishment. Because of group size and available resources, it needs to be relatively small, doable, and result in a success that is noticeable in the larger community. (We'll get back to this one, too.) One of the things we might do as one tactic is beginning to play, and turning their own propaganda game back upon them. Remember small, doable, and a success seen in the community. They're always blasting away about how the resister & protesters are 'mohareb,' so why not select internet photos of a few hard line mullahs, print off a half dozen letter size for each of us (for the maximum size group of 9, that would be a total of 54), with the word MOHAREB stamped on their foreheads, and altogether go out and glue them to walls, sides of buses, inside trains, phone booths, cash machines? Please note, this is a tight, quick-hit-and-run resistance strike force. Do not get separated from the group; if you need to, drop the posters and glue, lock arms, and retreat arm-and-arm. Pull each other to safety, acting as one team. But, can't you just see in your mind's eye mullahs yelling, and turning red-faced at Friday Prayers?

Just examine this tactic for a moment, because it actually says a lot of things. 1. We're not going away, and we're not giving up. 2. You can't intimidate us. 3. We'll catch you where you least expect it, and are weakest. 4. We've just gone into the propaganda publishing business. 5. Hey, you, looking at this poster, go do the same, and have some fun with your computer and printer, and friends. 6. It demonstrates the disrespect they have earned, and gives someone else a smile that "somebody" finally spoke up. 7. It helps to begin building confidence, i.e. Hey, I can do that!

Next week it can be mullah pictures showing the amount of money they've each stashed in foreign banks, with the emboldened words, "Where Is My Money?" If you want bank account numbers, sign into YouTube and enter this search: Iranian Mullahs and Leaders' foreign bank accounts unveiled - Auslandskonten Vermogen der Mullahs. This YouTube listing is not exhaustive, but it's a good start, and will definitely make the point.

There is more needing to be discussed regarding your thoughtful, careful, and in-depth strategic planning process. However, let me back up and expand on a couple of explanations promised earlier. The first is about your 'group,' making up the quick-hit-and-run strike force, and who is the leader. Well, actually, the group already exists and has selected its leader. It is the select group of friends and relatives that you run with, and whom you trust without question. If there is any question about trust, that person(s) must not be included even in discussions, or informed at all. The leader is the woman or man who mostly does that already, that particular someone that everyone respects because they "lead" by wisdom and example, and are not a person who bosses everybody around.

At this phase of resistance the group must remain small (between 3-9 people) because the larger it gets the harder it is to maintain cohesion, loyalty and even avoiding being betrayed. Furthermore, at this point, you do not seek to directly form more groups (discreetly and secretively distribute this manifesto, and let others form themselves into their own secretive unit), nor do you even acknowledge their existence with so much as a wink...if even just happening upon their obvious activities. If someone tries to recruit you to his or her group, simply say you're not interested. I'll talk more about betrayal in a moment.

The reason your tactic(s) needs to be visible in the community is twofold, for bringing hope and new courage to others. Thereby building sympathizers and possible recruits in the future. Whatever your group and others may do, it will definitely bring new results from the regime, and continue to escalate towards greater restrictions and violence. At what point is it justifiable to physically defend yourself? The individual, also, can only answer that question, and certainly debates on the matter are many. With no doubt at all in my mind, I'm convinced the regime will use more and more violence, no matter the peaceful nature of your resistance. Certainly, in this first phase, to resort to physical violence will be attacking the oppressive dictators where you have the least likelihood of any success, and help them justify wholesale slaughter. For the moment, your weapons need to be of another kind. You must outsmart them, while daily cranking up the pressure with added frustration for them.

Concerning betrayal, please take for granted that you will be betrayed. Embrace that fact fully now, and decide ahead of time how you plan to handle it. (I'll not attempt profiling the classic traitor in this phase, reserving that for phase II, though I will have a few thoughts regarding the basij.) One of the biggest damages to winning Irish freedom was the traitor, who, over centuries continued to sell us out to the British. We finally resorted to assassinating each one in public. I'm not saying you should do that, but I am saying you may need to consider that a part of your strategy include a 'symbolic hit squad.' Dr. Sharp has some excellent recommendations about exerting social pressure on traitors. Special symbols painted in bright paint to their front door, published and distributed lists, public shunning, etc. These raise the cost to the traitor of colluding with the regime in any way. Part of the reason you are bothering with all the listing of names, crimes, payments, etc. is to make it clear they will be held accountable before a valid and proper court of law. That we are not planning to be like them, with vengeful bloodbaths, but that they will be held accountable!

Nevertheless, a critical part of your betrayal strategy needs to include identifying when and where to flee, and how everyone is notified to do it on a moment's notice. Identifying "safe refuges" is vital, right at the beginning--today! If you can safely flee as a group into the countryside or wilderness, do so as part of your plan to later rejoin the public struggle once the regime begins to crumble. Practice this plan several times together. These places need to be stocked with the survival food, clothing, blankets, radio, flashlight, computer (with battery charged but not yet inserted), extra batteries, and medical supplies. Your brainstorming needs to round out this list. If one member of your group is a "no show" or is captured, the rest of you quickly raids the refuge yourselves, taking whatever you can carry without exhaustion, and then move on immediately. It is possible to hide in urban areas with some care and additional planning, but works best if there are other people near your "hideout" who are sympathetic to your cause, even if not active resisters themselves. If there is any "general rule" I'd encourage, it is always being careful, observant, and ready for action at all times. Now I will say out the bare facts, i.e. "If you are a Resistance Patriot of any kind, then a state of war exists between you and the current oppressive regime!" And, you have just made yourselves into what we Irish call "Fianna," which translates as Warrior Bands. So, then, your job is NOT to die for the cause, but rather your job is to stay alive, and help the cause bring the regime down around their ears.

Now some thoughts about the altogether despicable basij monsters: First of all, whatever they may have been in the past, that is exactly what they have become "monsters," so let's call them that. They don't even deserve the designation of wolves, because wolves defend their own, and will die rather than betray their pack. Neither, any longer, can they deserve to be classified with genuine military in any fashion, for they follow no true and ancient warriors' code at all. To refer to them as beasts would not even be proper, because dumb beasts have more humanity and honor than these. In fact, through greed and perversion, they have become the embodiment of the Ancient Demon Genies, who feast on dead bodies, and tear the beating hearts out of babies, even perfuming themselves with rotting corpses. They are truly now the assassins sent by devils, those who alone are more evil, are the ones for whom they work. Fitting, is it not, that their ultimate commander is Ali Khamenei?

I have offered this succinctly accurate definition for a number of reasons, not the least being that over the years, I've discovered that when in mortal combat, it is always better to know the true nature of your foe as you draw your sword. These demons have replicated themselves everywhere throughout Iranian society. There are basij physicians, basij university professors, basij dentists, basij social workers, basij nurses, basij kindly old neighbors, basij mullahs, basij psychologists, and basij university students--sitting right next to you! How else do you think the basij knew which specific dormitories, specific rooms, and specific students to hit? They are the traitor-par-excellence! And, they are the assassins all at the same time. Some get paid money for it, but even those who don't receive special "privileges" from the current oppressive regime. You know, privileges like acceptance into university, degrees, advancements, discounts...and, of course, rape, torture and murder. They are more evil than Hitler's Gestapo, the German SS, the Russian KGB, the CIA, and British Foreign Office combined into one, for they devour their own people without shame! In addition, they all have the blessings of mullahs.

May I be so bold as to suggest another subject possible for your resistance planning? It's a poster reading:

"ATTENTION BASIJ! When this regime crumbles, which it will, we are coming for you FIRST!

You will be the first to be herded into the ruins of Evin Prison.

All of your property, bank accounts, degrees, positions and social standing will be forfeited immediately, with the first laws enacted by the new government of Iran.

YOU will be the first to be tried for treason against the people and crimes against humanity, by a special tribunal appointed for that purpose, and if found guilty, you will have the first spaces on the gallows.

SLEEP WELL, basij, you can trust your fellow Iranians to be just with you!"

***More to come***

(1) Gene Sharp, From Dictatorship to Democracy: A Conceptual Framework for Liberation (The Albert Einstein Institution, 2003), p. 41. I cannot recommend strongly enough that you all read his book, and obtain the others to which he refers.

(2) "...The fighters, if weary, begin to lose faith..(then government) maneuvers may bear fruit--for example, the holding of elections to turn the government over to another gentleman with a sweeter voice and more angelic face than the outgoing tyrant, or the staging of a coup...generally by the army..." Che Guevara, Guerrilla Warfare: A Method (Che Guevara Studies Center and Ocean Press, 2005) p. 9.

(3) See Tehran Bureau's excellent article, The Coup Against Mazdakite, online at:

(4) See Tehran Bureau's, History Used and Abused: The role of the clergy in August 19, 1953 coup against Mossadegh. I had originally included the link, but their new web site no longer supports it. It is, however, worth the time for a title search on their new site. The same for below.

(5) See Tehran Bureau's article, Shariati on Religious Government.